What is Layer Normalization?
In this video, we learn how Layer Normalization works, how it compares to Batch Normalization, and for what cases it works best.
Deep dives into AI, research, coding, and other topics.
In this video, we learn how Layer Normalization works, how it compares to Batch Normalization, and for what cases it works best.
Deep Learning
This week’s Deep Learning Paper Review is Perceiver: General Perception with Iterative Attention.
In this video, we learn about Reinforcement Learning and (Deep) Q-Learning.
Deep Learning
This Machine Learning for Beginners course is designed to introduce you to basic Machine Learning and Deep Learning concepts.
In this video, we learn about Weight Initialization for Deep Feedforward Neural Networks.
Deep Learning
This week's Deep Learning Paper Review is data2vec: A General Framework for Self-supervised Learning in Speech, Vision, and Language.
In this video tutorial, we learn about Unsupervised Machine Learning.
In this video, we will learn about the most commonly used evaluation metrics for Machine Learning models.
In this video, we learn about Supervised Machine Learning, which is arguably the most important type of Machine Learning.
BERT is a versatile language model that can be easily fine-tuned to many language tasks. But how does it work?
Want to learn how to use Kaldi for Speech Recognition? Check out this simple tutorial to start transcribing audio in minutes.
The complete guide to understanding and implementing Variational Autoencoders with Keras
Deep Learning
This week's Deep Learning Paper Review is JUST: Joint Unsupervised and Supervised Training For Multilingual ASR.
Deep Learning
This week's Deep Learning Paper Review is VICReg: Variance-Invariance-Covariance Regularization for Self-Supervised Learning.
The ultimate PyTorch Lightning tutorial. Learn how it compares with vanilla PyTorch, and how to build and train models with PyTorch Lightning.
What are Transformers and how do they work? How are they different from other Deep Learning models like RNNs, LSTMs? Explore the answers in this video!
Deep Learning
This week’s Deep Learning research papers are SimCLS: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Abstractive Summarization and RefSum: Refactoring Neural Summarization.
Deep Learning
This week’s Deep Learning Research paper is “SUPERB: Speech processing Universal PERformance Benchmark Review”
Deep Learning
In this post, we give an overview of the best approaches, datasets, and evaluation metrics commonly used for the task of Text Segmentation.
Deep Learning
In recent years, Transducers have become the dominant ASR model architecture, surpassing CTC and LAS model architectures. In this article, we will examine the Transducer architecture more closely, and compare it to the more common CTC model architecture.
Deep Learning
This week’s Deep Learning Research paper is “Deep Shallow Fusion for RNN-T Personalization.”
Deep Learning
In this video, we will take a closer look into Deep Learning. We will learn what deep learning is, where in the world of Artificial Intelligence it stands, why it has been very successful in becoming part of our lives and how it compares to more traditional machine learning algorithms.
Deep Learning
In this week's Deep Learning Paper Review, we look at the following paper: DialogueGCN: A Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation.
Deep Learning
In recent years, pretraining has proved to be an essential ingredient for success in the fields of NLP and computer vision. In this week's Deep Learning Paper Review, we look at "Pretraining Representations for Data-Efficient Reinforcement Learning".
Deep Learning
Training large deep learning models is expensive and slow. Yet, startups are all about iterating fast. In this post, we share the lessons we've learned over the past few years.