List transcripts


Retrieve a list of transcripts you created. Transcripts are sorted from newest to oldest. The previous URL always points to a page with older transcripts.

Query parameters

limitintegerOptional>=1<=200Defaults to 10

Maximum amount of transcripts to retrieve


Filter by transcript status

Allowed values: queuedprocessingcompletederror
created_onstringOptionalformat: "date"

Only get transcripts created on this date

before_idstringOptionalformat: "uuid"

Get transcripts that were created before this transcript ID

after_idstringOptionalformat: "uuid"

Get transcripts that were created after this transcript ID

throttled_onlybooleanOptionalDefaults to false

Only get throttled transcripts, overrides the status filter


A list of transcripts. Transcripts are sorted from newest to oldest. The previous URL always points to a page with older transcripts.


Details of the transcript page

transcriptslist of objects

An array of transcripts


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