Content Moderation

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The Content Moderation model lets you detect inappropriate content in audio files to ensure that your content is safe for all audiences.

The model pinpoints sensitive discussions in spoken data and their severity.


Enable Content Moderation by setting content_safety to True in the transcription config.

1import assemblyai as aai
3aai.settings.api_key = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"
5# audio_file = "./local_file.mp3"
6audio_file = ""
8config = aai.TranscriptionConfig(content_safety=True)
10transcript = aai.Transcriber().transcribe(audio_file, config)
12print(f"Transcript ID:",
14for result in transcript.content_safety.results:
15 print(result.text)
16 print(f"Timestamp: {result.timestamp.start} - {result.timestamp.end}")
18 # Get category, confidence, and severity.
19 for label in result.labels:
20 print(f"{label.label} - {label.confidence} - {label.severity}") # content safety category
22# Get the confidence of the most common labels in relation to the entire audio file.
23for label, confidence in transcript.content_safety.summary.items():
24 print(f"{confidence * 100}% confident that the audio contains {label}")
26# Get the overall severity of the most common labels in relation to the entire audio file.
27for label, severity_confidence in transcript.content_safety.severity_score_summary.items():
28 print(f"{severity_confidence.low * 100}% confident that the audio contains low-severity {label}")
29 print(f"{severity_confidence.medium * 100}% confident that the audio contains medium-severity {label}")
30 print(f"{severity_confidence.high * 100}% confident that the audio contains high-severity {label}")

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Example output

1Smoke from hundreds of wildfires in Canada is triggering air quality alerts throughout the US. Skylines...
2Timestamp: 250 - 28920
3disasters - 0.8141 - 0.4014
5So what is it about the conditions right now that have caused this round of wildfires to...
6Timestamp: 29290 - 56190
7disasters - 0.9217 - 0.5665
9So what is it in this haze that makes it harmful? And I'm assuming it is...
10Timestamp: 56340 - 88034
11health_issues - 0.9358 - 0.8906
1599.42% confident that the audio contains disasters
1692.70% confident that the audio contains health_issues
1857.43% confident that the audio contains low-severity disasters
1942.56% confident that the audio contains mid-severity disasters
200.0% confident that the audio contains high-severity disasters
2123.57% confident that the audio contains low-severity health_issues
2230.22% confident that the audio contains mid-severity health_issues
2346.19% confident that the audio contains high-severity health_issues

Adjust the confidence threshold

The confidence threshold determines how likely something is to be flagged as inappropriate content. A threshold of 50% (which is the default) means any label with a confidence score of 50% or greater is flagged.

To adjust the confidence threshold for your transcription, include content_safety_confidence in the transcription config.

1# Setting the content safety confidence threshold to 60%.
2config = aai.TranscriptionConfig(
3 content_safety=True,
4 content_safety_confidence=60

API reference


$curl \
>--header "Authorization: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
>--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
>--data '{
> "audio_url": "YOUR_AUDIO_URL",
> "content_safety": true,
> "content_safety_confidence": 60
content_safetybooleanEnable Content Moderation.
content_safety_confidenceintegerThe confidence threshold for content moderation. Values must be between 25 and 100.


content_safety_labelsobjectAn object containing all results of the Content Moderation model.
content_safety_labels.statusstringIs either success, or unavailable in the rare case that the Content Moderation model failed.
content_safety_labels.resultsarrayAn array of objects, one for each section in the audio file, that the Content Moderation file flagged.
content_safety_labels.results[i].textstringThe transcript of the i-th section flagged by the Content Moderation model.
content_safety_labels.results[i].labelsarrayAn array of objects, one per sensitive topic, that was detected in the i-th section.
content_safety_labels.results[i].labels[j].labelstringThe label of the sensitive topic.
content_safety_labels.results[i].labels[j].confidencenumberThe confidence score for the j-th topic being discussed in the i-th section, from 0 to 1.
content_safety_labels.results[i].labels[j].severitynumberHow severely the j-th topic is discussed in the i-th section, from 0 to 1.
content_safety_labels.results[i].sentences_idx_startnumberThe sentence index at which the i-th section begins.
content_safety_labels.results[i].sentences_idx_endnumberThe sentence index at which the i-th section ends.
content_safety_labels.results[i].timestampobjectTimestamp information for the i-th section.
content_safety_labels.results[i].timestamp.startnumberThe time, in milliseconds, at which the i-th section begins.
content_safety_labels.results[i].timestamp.endnumberThe time, in milliseconds, at which the i-th section ends.
content_safety_labels.summaryobjectA summary of the Content Moderation confidence results for the entire audio file.
content_safety_labels.summary.topicnumberA confidence score for the presence of the sensitive topic “topic” across the entire audio file.
content_safety_labels.severity_score_summaryobjectA summary of the Content Moderation severity results for the entire audio file.
content_safety_labels.severity_score_summary.topic.[low, medium, high]numberA distribution across the values “low”, “medium”, and “high” for the severity of the presence of “topic” in the audio file.

The response also includes the request parameters used to generate the transcript.

Supported labels

LabelDescriptionModel outputSeverity
AccidentsAny man-made incident that happens unexpectedly and results in damage, injury, or death.accidentsYes
AlcoholContent that discusses any alcoholic beverage or its consumption.alcoholYes
Company FinancialsContent that discusses any sensitive company financial information.financialsNo
Crime ViolenceContent that discusses any type of criminal activity or extreme violence that is criminal in nature.crime_violenceYes
DrugsContent that discusses illegal drugs or their usage.drugsYes
GamblingIncludes gambling on casino-based games such as poker, slots, etc. as well as sports betting.gamblingYes
Hate SpeechContent that’s a direct attack against people or groups based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, disability, etc.hate_speechYes
Health IssuesContent that discusses any medical or health-related problems.health_issuesYes
MangaMangas are comics or graphic novels originating from Japan with some of the more popular series being “Pokemon”, “Naruto”, “Dragon Ball Z”, “One Punch Man”, and “Sailor Moon”.mangaNo
MarijuanaThis category includes content that discusses marijuana or its usage.marijuanaYes
Natural DisastersPhenomena that happens infrequently and results in damage, injury, or death. Such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and firestorms.disastersYes
Negative NewsNews content with a negative sentiment which typically occur in the third person as an unbiased recapping of events.negative_newsNo
NSFW (Adult Content)Content considered “Not Safe for Work” and consists of content that a viewer would not want to be heard/seen in a public environment.nsfwNo
PornographyContent that discusses any sexual content or material.pornographyYes
ProfanityAny profanity or cursing.profanityYes
Sensitive Social IssuesThis category includes content that may be considered insensitive, irresponsible, or harmful to certain groups based on their beliefs, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or gender identity.sensitive_social_issuesNo
TerrorismIncludes terrorist acts as well as terrorist groups. Examples include bombings, mass shootings, and ISIS. Note that many texts corresponding to this topic may also be classified into the crime violence topic.terrorismYes
TobaccoText that discusses tobacco and tobacco usage, including e-cigarettes, nicotine, vaping, and general discussions about smoking.tobaccoYes
WeaponsText that discusses any type of weapon including guns, ammunition, shooting, knives, missiles, torpedoes, etc.weaponsYes

Frequently asked questions

There could be a few reasons for this. First, make sure that the audio file contains speech, and not just background noise or music. Additionally, the model may not have been trained on the specific type of sensitive content you’re looking for. If you believe the model should be able to detect the content but it’s not, you can reach out to AssemblyAI’s support team for assistance.

The model may occasionally flag content as sensitive that isn’t actually problematic. This can happen if the model isn’t trained on the specific context or nuances of the language being used. In these cases, you can manually review the flagged content and determine if it’s actually sensitive or not. If you believe the model is consistently flagging content incorrectly, you can contact AssemblyAI’s support team to report the issue.

The Content Moderation model provides segment-level results that pinpoint where in the audio the sensitive content was discussed, as well as the degree to which it was discussed. You can access this information in the results key of the API response. Each result in the list contains a text key that shows the sensitive content, and a labels key that shows the detected sensitive topics along with their confidence and severity scores.

The model is designed to process batches of segments in significantly less than 1 second, making it suitable for real-time applications. However, keep in mind that the actual processing time depends on the length of the audio file and the number of segments it’s divided into. Additionally, the model may occasionally require additional time to process particularly complex or long segments.

If you receive an error message, it may be due to an issue with your request format or parameters. Double-check that your request includes the correct audio_url parameter. If you continue to experience issues, you can reach out to AssemblyAI’s support team for assistance.