Create Custom Length Subtitles

While our SRT/VTT endpoints do allow you to customize the maximum number of characters per caption using the chars_per_caption URL parameter in your API requests, there are some use-cases that require a custom number of words in each subtitle.

In this guide, we will demonstrate how to construct these subtitles yourself in Python!


1import assemblyai as aai
3aai.settings.api_key = "YOUR-API-KEY"
5transcriber = aai.Transcriber()
7transcript = transcriber.transcribe("./my-audio.mp3")
9def second_to_timecode(x: float) -> str:
10 hour, x = divmod(x, 3600)
11 minute, x = divmod(x, 60)
12 second, x = divmod(x, 1)
13 millisecond = int(x * 1000.)
15 return '%.2d:%.2d:%.2d,%.3d' % (hour, minute, second, millisecond)
17def generate_subtitles_by_word_count(transcript, words_per_line):
18 output = []
19 subtitle_index = 1 # Start subtitle index at 1
20 word_count = 0
21 current_words = []
23 for sentence in transcript.get_sentences():
24 for word in sentence.words:
25 current_words.append(word)
26 word_count += 1
27 if word_count >= words_per_line or word == sentence.words[-1]:
28 start_time = second_to_timecode(current_words[0].start / 1000)
29 end_time = second_to_timecode(current_words[-1].end / 1000)
30 subtitle_text = " ".join([word.text for word in current_words])
31 output.append(str(subtitle_index))
32 output.append("%s --> %s" % (start_time, end_time))
33 output.append(subtitle_text)
34 output.append("")
35 current_words = [] # Reset for the next subtitle
36 word_count = 0 # Reset word count
37 subtitle_index += 1
39 return output
41subs = generate_subtitles_by_word_count(transcript, 6)
42with open(f"{}.srt", 'w') as o:
43 final = '\n'.join(subs)
44 o.write(final)
46print("SRT file generated.")

Step-by-Step Instructions

1pip install -U assemblyai

Import the assemblyai package and set the API key.

1import assemblyai as aai
3aai.settings.api_key = "YOUR-API-KEY"

Create a Transcriber object.

1transcriber = aai.Transcriber()

Use the Transcriber object’s transcribe method and pass in the audio file’s path as a parameter. The transcribe method saves the results of the transcription to the Transcriber object’s transcript attribute.

1transcript = transcriber.transcribe("./my-audio.mp3")

Alternatively, you can pass in the URL of the publicly accessible audio file on the internet.

1transcript = transcriber.transcribe("")

Define a function that converts seconds to timecodes

1def second_to_timecode(x: float) -> str:
2 hour, x = divmod(x, 3600)
3 minute, x = divmod(x, 60)
4 second, x = divmod(x, 1)
5 millisecond = int(x * 1000.)
7 return '%.2d:%.2d:%.2d,%.3d' % (hour, minute, second, millisecond)

Define a function that iterates through the transcripts object to construct a list according to the number of words per subtitle

1def generate_subtitles_by_word_count(transcript, words_per_line):
2 output = []
3 subtitle_index = 1 # Start subtitle index at 1
4 word_count = 0
5 current_words = []
7 for sentence in transcript.get_sentences():
8 for word in sentence.words:
9 current_words.append(word)
10 word_count += 1
11 if word_count >= words_per_line or word == sentence.words[-1]:
12 start_time = second_to_timecode(current_words[0].start / 1000)
13 end_time = second_to_timecode(current_words[-1].end / 1000)
14 subtitle_text = " ".join([word.text for word in current_words])
15 output.append(str(subtitle_index))
16 output.append("%s --> %s" % (start_time, end_time))
17 output.append(subtitle_text)
18 output.append("")
19 current_words = [] # Reset for the next subtitle
20 word_count = 0 # Reset word count
21 subtitle_index += 1
23 return output

Generate your subtitle file

1subs = generate_subtitles_by_word_count(transcript, 6)
2with open(f"{}.srt", 'w') as o:
3 final = '\n'.join(subs)
4 o.write(final)
6print("SRT file generated.")