Integrate Power Automate with AssemblyAI

Microsoft Power Automate is a low-code workflow automation platform with a rich collection of connectors to Microsoft’s first-party services and third-party services. Azure Logic Apps is the equivalent service built for developers and IT pros.

The AssemblyAI connector makes our API available to both Microsoft Power Automate and Azure Logic Apps. With the connector, you can use AssemblyAI to transcribe audio data with speech recognition models, analyze the data with audio intelligence models, and build generative features on top of it with LLMs. You can supply audio to the AssemblyAI connector and connect the output of our models to other services in your flows.



Create or edit a flow in Power Automate. Add a new action, search for AssemblyAI, and select the action that you want to use.

Search for AssemblyAI actions in Power Automate


You will be prompted to create a connection to AssemblyAI. Give your connection a name and enter the API key from your AssemblyAI dashboard, and click Create new.

Create a connection to AssemblyAI in Power Automate


Finally, configure your AssemblyAI action. Continue reading to learn more about all the available actions.

Configure an AssemblyAI action in Power Automate

Upload a File

To transcribe an audio file using AssemblyAI, the file needs to be accessible to AssemblyAI. If your audio file is already accessible via a URL, you can use your existing URL.

Otherwise, you can use the Upload a Media File action to upload a file to AssemblyAI. You will get back a URL for your file which can only be used to transcribe using your API key. Once you transcribe the file, the file will be removed from AssemblyAI’s servers.

Transcribe Audio

To transcribe your audio, configure the Audio URL parameter using your audio file URL. Then, configure the additional parameters to enable more Speech Recognition features and Audio Intelligence models.

The result of the Transcribe Audio action is a queued transcript which will start being processed immediately. To get the completed transcript, you have two options:

  1. Handle the Transcript Ready Webhook
  2. Poll the Transcript Status

Handle the Transcript Ready Webhook

If you don’t want to handle the webhook using Logic Apps or Power Automate, configure the Webhook URL parameter in your Transcribe Audio action, and implement your webhook following AssemblyAI’s webhook documentation.

To handle the webhook using Logic Apps or Power Automate, follow these steps:


Create a separate Logic App or Power Automate Flow.


Configure When an HTTP request is received as the trigger:

  • Set Who Can Trigger The Flow? to Anyone
  • Set Request Body JSON Schema to:
    2 "type": "object",
    3 "properties": {
    4 "transcript_id": {
    5 "type": "string"
    6 },
    7 "status": {
    8 "type": "string"
    9 }
    10 }
  • Set Method to POST

Add an AssemblyAI Get Transcript action, passing in the transcript_id from the trigger to the Transcript ID parameter.


Before doing anything else, you should check whether the Status is completed or error. Add a Condition action that checks if the Status from the Get Transcript output is error:

  • In the True branch, add a Terminate action
    • Set the Status to Failed
    • Set the Code to Transcript Error
    • Pass the Error from the Get Transcript output to the Message parameter.
  • You can leave the False branch empty.

Now you can add any action after the Condition knowing the transcript status is completed, and you can retrieve any of the output properties of the Get Transcript action.


Save your Logic App or Flow. The HTTP URL will be generated for the When an HTTP request is received trigger. Copy the HTTP URL and head back to your original Logic App or Flow.


In your original Logic App or Flow, update the Transcribe Audio action. Paste the HTTP URL you copied previously into the Webhook URL parameter, and save.

When the transcript status becomes completed or error, AssemblyAI will send an HTTP POST request to the webhook URL, which will be handled by your other Logic App or Flow.

As an alternative to using the webhook, you can poll the transcript status as explained in the next section.

Poll the Transcript Status

You can poll the transcript status using the following steps:


Add an Initialize variable action

  • Set Name to transcript_status
  • Set Type to String
  • Store the Status from the Transcribe Audio output into the Value parameter

Add a Do until action

  • Configure the Loop Until parameter with the following Fx code:
    or(equals(variables('transcript_status'), 'completed'), equals(variables('transcript_status'), 'error'))
    This code checks whether the transcript_status variable is completed or error.
  • Configure the Count parameter to 86400
  • Configure the Timeout parameter to PT24H

Inside the Do until action, add the following actions:

  • Add a Delay action that waits for one second
  • Add a Get Transcript action and pass the ID from the Transcribe Audio output to the Transcript ID parameter
  • Add a Set variable action
    • Set Name to transcript_status
    • Pass the Status of the Get Transcript output to the Value parameter

The Do until loop will continue until the transcript is completed, or an error occurred.


Add another Get Transcript action, like before, but add it after the Do until loop so its output becomes available outside the scope of the Do until action.


Before doing anything else, you should check whether the transcript Status is completed or error. Add a Condition action that checks if the transcript_status is error:

  • In the True branch, add a Terminate action
    • Set Status to Failed
    • Set Code to Transcript Error
    • Pass the Error from the Get Transcript output to the Message parameter.
  • You can leave the False branch empty.

Now you can add any action after the Condition knowing the transcript status is completed, and you can retrieve any of the output properties of the Get Transcript action.

Connector actions

The AssemblyAI app for Power Automate provides the following actions:


Upload a Media File

Upload a media file to AssemblyAI’s servers. You can pass the Upload URL output field to the Audio URL input field of Transcribe an Audio File action.


Transcribe Audio

Create a transcript from a media file that is accessible via a URL. Configure the Audio URL field with the URL of the audio file you want to transcribe. The Audio URL must be accessible by AssemblyAI’s servers. If you don’t have a publicly accessible URL, you can use the Upload a File action to upload the audio file to AssemblyAI.

Wait until transcript is ready

The output of this action is a queued transcript. Learn how to wait until the transcript is ready here.

Configure your desired Audio Intelligence models when you create the transcript. The results of the models will be included in the transcript output when the transcript is completed.

Get Transcript

Get the transcript resource. The transcript is ready when the status is completed.

Get Paragraphs in Transcript

Get the transcript split by paragraphs. The API semantically segments your transcript into paragraphs to create more reader-friendly transcripts.

You can only invoke this action after the transcript is completed.

Get Sentences in Transcript

Get the transcript split by sentences. The API semantically segments the transcript into sentences to create more reader-friendly transcripts.

You can only invoke this action after the transcript is completed.

Get Subtitles for Transcript

Get the transcript resource. The transcript is ready when the status is completed.

You can only invoke this action after the transcript is completed.

Get Redacted Audio

First, you need to configure PII audio redaction using these fields when you create the transcript:

  • Redact PII: Yes
  • Redact PII Audio: Yes
  • Redact PII Policies: Configure at least one PII policy

Then, you can use this action to retrieve the redacted audio of the transcript.

You can only invoke this action after the transcript is completed.

Search Words in Transcript

Search through the transcript for keywords. You can search for individual words, numbers, or phrases containing up to five words or numbers.

You can only invoke this action after the transcript is completed.

List Transcripts

Get the transcript resource. The transcript is ready when the status is completed.

Delete Transcript

Delete the transcript. Deleting does not delete the resource itself, but removes the data from the resource and marks it as deleted.

You can only invoke this action after the transcript status is completed or error.


Run a Task Using LeMUR

Use the LeMUR task endpoint to input your own LLM prompt. You have to configure either the Transcript IDs or Input Text input field.

Retrieve LeMUR Response

Retrieve a LeMUR response that was previously generated.

Purge LeMUR Request Data

Delete the data for a previously submitted LeMUR request. The LLM response data, as well as any context provided in the original request will be removed.

Additional resources

You can learn more about using Power Automate with AssemblyAI in these resources:

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