
How to Make a Web App that Transcribes YouTube Videos with Streamlit

Let's build an interactive web app that can transcribe YouTube videos in minutes! Streamlit is a great Python library that makes web development a piece of cake. And on top of Streamlit's powerful framework we will plug in Assembly AI's easy-to-use API to quickly upload and transcribe audio files.

How to Make a Web App that Transcribes YouTube Videos with Streamlit

Let's build an interactive web app that can transcribe YouTube videos in minutes! Streamlit is a great Python library that makes web development a piece of cake. And on top of Streamlit's powerful framework we will plug in Assembly AI's easy-to-use API to quickly upload and transcribe audio files.


In the first part of the tutorial we will create a project structure, install all necessary dependencies, create a base Streamlit app with which we can test our code and develop the Python function that starts the transcription process. We will use three main libraries: Streamlit, YouTube_dl and FFmpeg. These libraries will enable us to create a front-end for our project, download youtube videos and extract audio files from youtube videos respectively.

Part I:

Part II: