AssemblyAI seamlessly integrates with a variety of tools and platforms to enhance your workflow. Whether you’re looking for no-code solutions or developer tools, we’ve got you covered.
No-Code Integrations
Create automated workflows with Microsoft Power Automate to process audio and extract insights.
Connect AssemblyAI with 5000+ apps using Zapier’s automation platform.
Build complex automation scenarios with Make’s visual workflow builder.
Create automated workflows with this open-source alternative to Zapier.
Developer Tools & Frameworks
Integrate AssemblyAI with LangChain for advanced language model applications.
Build powerful search and retrieval systems with LlamaIndex integration.
Use AssemblyAI with Microsoft’s Semantic Kernel framework.
Build production-ready NLP applications with Haystack integration.
Development & Testing Tools
Test and explore AssemblyAI’s APIs using Postman collections.
Process audio from Twilio calls and voice messages.
Build visual AI workflows with Rivet’s node-based editor.
Community Integrations
Use AssemblyAI with’s workflow automation platform.
Add speech-to-text capabilities to your no-code applications.
Build event-driven workflows with Pipedream’s integration platform.
Looking to integrate with a different tool? Check out our API Reference or contact our team for custom integration support.